This is a one of a kind bag. We used a different kind of leather on it and I really don't know what it is. It has a look and feel that is different than what I am used to and I bought it on a whim because I like the color. Our small crossbody bag # 4015 is made of the same leather. I feel like these bags are going to age in a really cool way, especially where they bend a lot, but they may scuff kind of easy. Like a shiny pair of shoes, so keep that in mind.
This bag is 11" tall by 11" wide. It has three pockets inside: a large pocket that can fit a tablet or something like that, and two smaller cell phone size pockets. It also has one outside pocket that is covered by the front flap. The crossbody strap is adjustable from about 40" to 45" and is about 3/16" thick.
Hardware: nickel
There is nothing really wrong with this bag, we just experimented with a different kind of leather. I think it will wear incredibly and anywhere it bends frequently will be accentuated.