This bag is born and bred right here in Guatemala. It is big enough to handle just about anything you would need to "tote" around, but not too big. It measures 11" tall x 14 1/2" wide x 4" deep. With it's 6 smaller internal pockets (good for cellphones, keys, lipstick (or balm), tissue pack, ... or similar items), 2 large laptop or tablet size pockets, and medium magazine or book size pocket on the back, you can find and organize all your "stuff" when you need it.
Color : Mocha w/ ant. brass hardware - The leather on this bag has great character.
This bag features Loxx snap system.
La Chapina is made from a single piece of 7/8 oz. leather (roughly 1/8" thick).
La Chapina is 100% hand cut and hand sewn and hand finished by Guatemalan craftsmen.